Scouting -
Cape Town's beautiful white beaches, the endless open plains of the land "God Made in Anger" - Namibia, the unforgettable waterways of Botswana's Delta, Zambia's massive open air markets and the thundering of the mighty Victoria Falls ... these are just a few of the amazing locations available to both film and stills productions in Southern Africa.
My passion is traveling and working around Southern Africa, and I have a vast knowledge of incredible locations for most of your Movie, Film and Still location needs. Possessing a strong production background, I try to ensure that my locations are both scriptually correct and logistically viable. I am open to traveling to any area, to look for strong cinematic loctions, that will satisfy your story's needs.
South Africa / Cape Town / Natal / Safari Lodges / Namibia / Mozambique / Seychelles / Zambia / Lesotho / Malawi / Zimbabwe / Madagascar